2014년 8월 5일 화요일

Armored Core Verdict Day : Beginners Guide #3 - About choosing proper FCS

Okay, Funny & Exciting Little Rave's babytalk time. The topic of today is about choosing a good FCS for your weapons. I saw many pilots using weird FCSs regardless their weapons' optimal range, locktime, lock capacity of mssls...OK, & then let's think about each FCS units & try getting proper one to get your bullet hit enemy AC.
I'll get some more descriptions & usages for each FCSs below, with screenshots of their abilities.

※ If you think my english is kinda weird, that's perfectly correct. I AM NO GOOD AT USING FOREIGN LANGUAGE lol! ...never mind.

#1. Quick-Lockon type

FA-108 - Low EN consumption & specified with using jammer guns
Capable for - Jammers

For some tactics you may choose a jammer for your primary weapon to hold enemy on a point of area. Actually if light one with SUZUMUSHI generator is once jammed with generator jammer & move control jammer, then it'll be dead in about a sec cuz its jamming immunity is extremely low :p However, the basic performance for FCS is quite bad & you'll have to think about covering your range & sight radius.

FA-215 - High lock speed with enough range & sight radius, but takes some EN to equip
Capable for - Almost all arm weapons. Equipping subcomputer is a good combination to pop-shot

Aka Glance in ACV. Most usual FCS of quick-lockon types, & you can gain enough lock speed for your battle rifles, or some rifles as well. Pop-shot sniper can be exist by using this FCS with dual sub computer mdl.2 on KOCHO mdl.1 arm part. & as bay unit you could equip some battle rifles for hunting down heavy ACs. If you're confused, then try this FCS. You can gain enough lock range by using head part with high camera ability.

FA-303 - Qualified missile lock ability with quick normal locktime
Capable for - Shotgun, Pulse gun, Plasma gun, Battle rifle with VTF or medium missiles

Maybe you could think it as a weird FCS & inferior than wide type ones, but it's an excellent FCS when getting close shooting with triple trigger of your arm & shoulder at the same time, with missiles for close range such as VTF, medium, plasma mssls. I usually use this one for my assault AC to melt primary target ASAP, by equipping VTF, plasma gun, 3-rapid battle rifle or sth. Quite useful for quick heavy bipedal AC.

#2. Wide-Angle type

Fs-L-E28 - Enough range with wide sight radius, but consumes much EN & makes your lockspeed slower
Capable for - Rifles, Laser rifles, some battle rifles with accuracy specified

Lockspeed is 75, & it means you'll have to spend more time(about 133% of base lockon-time of your weapon) to lock on target than normal FCSs. However if you're equipping subcomputer, or fast-lockable close-mid range weapons such as lasers, gatlings, autocannons or sth, then it'll be the best choice. Almost almighty just except for lockspeed & EN consumption. If you're confused when choosing FCS, try this & FA-215 & find which is much proper or easier to use for you.

Fs-L-F03 - Extremely large locksight with short lock range
Capable for - Shotgun, Pulse gun, Plasma gun, & melee weapons including OVERED WEAPONS(Ultimate weapons in foreign server)

Usually for close shooters. Maybe you can compare this with FA-303 & choose more proper one. Usually for shotguns or plasma guns. Mssl locktime is a bit bad & maybe CE mssls are good with this FCS cuz all of them have very fast base lockspeed.
Almost all guys don't know this thing; MELEE OVERED WEAPON is LOCKABLE in about closer than 50 meters lolz. & their assault range & homing ability will be increased a lil bit. This is why I use this FCS with GRIND BLADE to hunt down N-WGIX/v in special sortie.

Fs-L-M24 - Lowest EN consumption with sentry gun controlling ability
Capable for - Sentry units, Shotgun, Pulse gun, Plasma gun

Specified for using sentry units. You can grab some close-shooting or melee weapons with sentry guns to distract enemies or build your own instant fortress. Beware of its poor basic ability.

#3. Long-Range type

USUGUMO mdl.1 - Extremely long range with narrow locksight, Consumes much EN
Capable for - Sniper rifles only

For snipers. However it's too long for most of sniper rifles & maybe you'd better use another one unless you're using TE head with poor camera ability. I usually take this for hunting LiV, but I don't like to snipe in long range & seldom use this on my AC.
& please DO NOT USE GATLINGS OR RIFLES WITH THIS FCS unless you're thinking an another unique plan. it's obviously ridiculous. SERIOUSLY. Frankly, I wrote this article just for telling this thing.
However if you're trying to build a snipercannon armed tank UNAC, you might think about equipping this, cuz UNAC doesn't shot its weapon if target is not in its FCS sight, whether its weapons are lockable or not :p

USUGUMO mdl.2 - Stabilized ability with almighty stats
Capable for - Rifles, Laser rifles, High speed missiles

One of my most usual FCS. Best choice for mid-range face 2 face firing. Enough locksight radius, no locktime decrease, qualified mssl lock performance...everything is perfect to get in mid-range. However, don't forget it's almighty but not perfect, & think about evasion route when enemy is in close range to kill you. Usually for heavy units with rifles & laser rifles, & it's also good for tanks cuz they cannot choose the battlefield if the map is not a plain one.

USUGUMO mdl.3 - Qualified abilities for sniping with sentry defense system
Capable for - Long range rifles, Sniper rifles, Sentry units

Range & locktime are excellent, but sight is quite narrow to get in mid range. But you can use 3 sentry guns with this FCS! Maybe you can protect yourself by using gatling sentry as CIWS(As tips in loading screen, gatling type sentry has another ability of CIWS), supports allies with mdl.3 subcomputers, & shoot proper target in mid-long range. Fit with almost all sniper rifles.
I'm now trying to build an engineer UNAC with sentry guns, sniper rifle & laser rifle. Maybe it'll be quite fun to use lolz

Yep. If you're confused, try FA-215, Fs-L-E03, or USUGUMO mdl.2 at first, & try another things to find a good one which is fit in your weapon set.
Don't forget this one; Firepower without controlled is useless deadweight. & this is why choosing proper FCS is important.

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