#1. Real Lock Range
Simply, you can gain real range of your lockon sight by this; Your lock range will be increased with [{(camera ability)-500}*0.1%] of your FCS lock range.Quite hard to understand I know :p & I'll get an example about this.
Here's the stats of HF-227 & Fs-L-E28, which I usually use. Let's see then.
Camera performance of HF-227 is 762, & Lock range of Fs-L-E28 is 250. & real lock range of this build will be like this; 762-500=262, & by *0.1% on this you can gain "26.2%" as a result. & it means that your FCS's lock range will be increased by +26.2%(=about 315 meters).
Well...It's quite weird to speak this in english, but plz understand my poor english ability Xp I feel weird as well now. Maybe it'll be helped when building your UNAC I think.
#2. Half-Penetration(aka 소관통, 小貫通)
You'll already know about penetration & reflection effects by your armor & enemies' firepower; If your armor is higher than enemies' firepower, then you can gain advantage of "reflection" & you'll take much less damage than penetrated ones. However, in contrast of ACV, there's a lil bit difference in penetration system, which rapidity makes weapon much stronger. Let's see how it goes then.
(Drawn by say0_0 in Ruliweb. Sp thx)
You could see this graph in your workshop, & the graph views the damage rate onto you; #1 of graph means the "reflection", & #3 means "Penetration" of your damage taken by enemies' fire, & it's important that #2 means which is called as "Half-penetration", which makes additional damage reduction from "Penetration".
By simple explanation, If enemies' firepower is between 101%~130% of your armor, then you could get some advantage of half-penetration, & you'll take less damage than when be fully penetrated. In korean or japanese sites, [there are some graphs & charts about this], but it's over my limit of translation & I cannot explain more...:p Anyway If you wanna know you can gain half-penetrating benefit, then you can get a formula like this; if [{(enemy firepower)/1.3} ≤ your AC's armor], you can get half-penetration advantage against that weapon. For example, If you wanna get half-penetration benefit against power specified Au-C-B19(Strekoza, CE dmg 2773), you can get a formula like this; 2773/1.3=2133.0, & if your CE armor is higher than 2133, you can get additional damage reduction from enemies' Strekoza firing.
By this reason, under half-penetration situation, rapidity is much more important than firepower. & This is why DPS of Podenka/Calendula is higher than Sterkoza/Tansy, cuz of their rapidity. & of course it'll be more serious when armor of target is higher. & of course it'll be much more important when you're using stagger-penetration tactic.
In short, this is why I prefer to use Podenka/Calendula rather than Sterkoza/Tansy. This will be a conclusion of this article...Sorry for cannot getting more translations, guys.
#3. About Anti-Recoil
It's easier than other situational articles cuz you can see anti-recoil on your workshop & get a comparison with weaponaries. If your anti-recoil is higher than enemies' impact force, then you won't get 20% armor down, in contrast If impact force is higher than your anti-recoil, you'll get staggered for some secs, & if impact force is over 125% than your anti-recoil, you'll be stopped with boost off by its impact.
By gaining anti-recoil, it's very important that choosing head & legs carefully. & by loading much weight, you can exchange speed with more anti-recoil performance. & this is why I usually use all load amounts of my heavy biped; heavy biped AC has low penalty of fully loading, & it'd better getting more anti-recoil than earning a lil speed for heavies or tanks, cuz they're slow anyway & weak against high impact force.
(Normally, I'd like to take at least 1423 anti-recoil against Jellyfish, by loading enough weight on Le2H-J-E13 or other legs.)
#4. Laser Rifles' EN consumption when charging, & EN requirement to Ready-to-fire
Commonly in ACVD's stat view, time will be calculated by framerate & 1 time stat will have the meaning of 1/60sec. & then you can gain your EN consumption per sec while charging TE weapons like this example; Powered Au-L-K29 consumes 11129 EN with 127 charging time(2.1sec, by a formular of 127/60), then your EN consumption per sec will be like this; 11129/2.1=5299.5. & if your total EN output is over 5299, then you can get "Ready-to-fire" Situation & your EN will be gained a bit while charging, though its speed is much slower than your normal combat EN output.
(My usual EN output for K29. 5318. Perfect)
Of course in this way you can calculate a laser rifle is proper to your AC or not. Anyway if your EN output is low, you can cancel charging by activating scan mode, without any ammo wasting.
& by this, longer charging time means lower real EN consumption per sec. You don't have to worry about too long charging time, cuz it means that it's much easier than your thought.
Ok. another stoic article. If you need some more infos or questions, just leave a reply & I'll get some research & contact by re-commenting.
Always thx for reading :) Have a nice war.
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