#1. Midweight Bipedal (LEG2-M)
Head : Hd-G-A88
Core : MATSUKAZE mdl.3
Arms : Ar-M-W48 (Hokaibo)
Legs : L2MA-131
Specified : Enough armors for mobile combat, Low EN consumption
Weakpoint : Face-to-face firing against battle rifles or laser rifles, Low scanning ability
Quite moderate model. You might get confused by using F rank legs, but it has enough ability & low pressure of EN or load amount. & also KE armor is quite heavy to counter usual hi speed or vertical mssls. However you'll have to keep your eye on the battlefield against enemies' backstab of battle rifle, shotgun, or pulse gun.
Core : MATSUKAZE mdl.3
Arms : Ar-M-E34/L (Jack)
Legs : L03 FreQuency
Specified : High mobility & stability, Enough armors, Anti-hi speed KE armor(over 1871)
Weakpoint : A lil bit high EN consumption, Face-to-face dogfighting as well
Exchanged mobility with EN consumption. Famous model in JP server I guess. Equipping TE weaponaries are not recommended for its EN usage of legs.
Head : HF-227
Core : MATSUKAZE mdl.3 (Worker 1477)
Arms : Ar-M-E34/L (Jack)
Legs : Le2M-T-W30 (Casper Dunbar)
Specified : High load amount, Enough armor to get mid-range combat
Weakpoint : Low stability & speed
You can use this with shoot-throw tactics such as equipping X00 KARASAWA hi laser rifle or sth. After KRSW nuking is ended & ammo is depleted, you can gain extra speed & EN output for mobile combat by purging KRSW. Taking bay units for this strategy will be worked as well.
Head : Hd-G-A88
Core : MATSUKAZE mdl.3
Arms : Ar-M-E34/L (Jack)
Legs : L18 Fragrant
Specified : Real high mobility with enough armor stats
Weakpoint : High EN consumption
Mid bipedal for real mobile combat. Has qualified armor & speed at the same time. However, heavy TE weaponaries are not recommended as former model.
#2. Lightweight Bipedal (LEG2-L)
Head : HF-227
Core : CA-215
Arms : Ar-M-E34/L (Jack)
Legs : Le2L-B-V15
Specified : Hi speed with hi load amount, Extremely high turning ability
Weakpoint : Squishy, SERIOUSLY.About driving light ACs, you'll have to be UNLOCKED by enemies. Kinda romantic thing such as "Hah, you locked me on? I have real speed, fool!" does not exist in ACVD. Anyway it has enough load amount to take heavy KE/CE weaponaries with some speed as well, but really low armor is the problem for you.
Head : HF-227
Core : CA-215 (Ryugen)
Arms : Ar-M-E34/L (Jack)
Legs : L2LA-142 (Theodora)
Specified : Lil bit thick with speed.
Weakpoint : No TE armor at all. Poor at loading muchI sometimes use this build on 1v1 battle with infinite gliding. This build can reflect almost all KE weaponaries & HEAT machineguns at the same time, & speedy as well. However you'll have to select weaponaries carefully. I usually take shotgun+pulse gun+CIWS or flash rocket to distract enemies.
Head : HF-227
Core : CA-215 (Ryugen)
Arms : Ar-M-W48 (Hokaibo)
Legs : NOWAKI mdl.2
Specified : Real fast horizontal speed
Weakpoint : Low turning ability, High EN consumptionMaybe NOWAKI series are designed for MURAKUMO users I guess. They can gain more damage by charging more speed onto target with slashing, & NOWAKI has X-axis specified ability with low turning ability. Maybe you can use laser blade or HEAT pile(aka HEAT piledriver in foreign server, & pilebunker in korea & japan) on this build. You can switch core to CA-215 non-customized one to gain more EN delivery rate, but by using KE blades you don't have to take care about that stats, cuz non-breaking kumo slash is much stronger than boost breaked one.
#3. Heavyweight Bipedal (LEG2-H)
Head : Hd-G-A88
Core : CB-209 (Hokaibo)
Arms : Ar-M-W48 (Hokaibo)
Legs : AOI mdl.1
Specified : Heavy armor with moderate ability, Enough armor to reflect high DPS KE/CE weaponaries
Weakpoint : Low stability, SERIOUSLY.
Most usual build of Heavy bipedal ones. By equipping weapons on heavy bipod, you may fulfill your load amount to gain enough stability. However you'll have to prepared for enemies' hi speed mssl, shotgun or handgun as well. Maybe equipping a KE shield for insurance would be helped I guess.
Core : CB-209
Arms : Ar-M-W48 (Hokaibo)
Legs : AOI mdl.2
Specified : More speed than former model with enough armor
Weakpoint : Low stability, AGAIN.Mobility enhanced version. Maybe you can support ally units by equipping a CIWS on this unit, & you can gain really high defensive ability of yourself, & ally units as well. & for low weight of CIWS, you can gain more speed as well, though I prefer to use all load amounts :p
Head : HC-129 (Betsy Rose)
Core : CB-209
Arms : Ar-M-W48
Legs : Le2H-J-E13 (Lilith)
Specified : Heavy armor with enough stability
Weakpoint : Low speed. Low turning ability, High EN consumption...Maybe this could be for mid-class or skilled users, cuz of its weakpoints. Anyway if you load full amount onto this unit, you could gain over 1500 anti-recoil & almost all shotguns will be no more threatening. You'll have to select proper weaponaries with almighty abilities to counter enemies & protect allies. Take more firepower & destroy before you're destroyed. 3500mag gatling gun & 3-rapid battle rifle are normally recommended for its low EN consumption, heavy weight & almighty against any targets.
Head : Hd-R-E06 (Jack)
Core : CB-209
Arms : Ar-M-E34/L (Jack)
Legs : Le2H-J-E13
Specified : Calendula resistance with enough stability & moderate speed, Low EN consumption
Weakpoint : Low CE armor, Low turning ability, Low camera rangeA weird one, but maybe it could be sorted as KE heavy bipedal one I guess. Any weaponaries can be loaded onto this unit, but you should watch out enemies' battle rifles.
Head : HF-227
Core : CB-209 (Hokaibo)
Arms : Ar-M-W48
Legs : Le2H-J-E13 (Lilith)
Specified : Enough KE/CE armor, & stability with low EN consumption
Weakpoint : Low speed, Low turning abilityMy most usual model. Just customized for me & I calculate between stability size & speed to gain combat stability. I usually take 2 battle rifles, Au-L-K29 (40mag hi laser rifle), Au-B-A04 (Rifle, aka Calendula in ACV) & some KE missiles. If you load enough amount, you can ignore jellyfish's impact force & take down weak ACs by firepower & combo firing. However you should get practice of using boostdrive & drift turn to get more mobility I guess.
Head : HF-227
Core : CA-215
Arms : AB-107D (Barry Bull)
Legs : Le2H-J-E34
Specified : Enough KE armor with High speed & stability, Low EN consumption
Weakpoint : Low firing stability, Low CE armorMy secondary build named as "The Persuader". I prefer to use Le2H-J-E34 than L2HA-307(aka Tolima in ACV) cuz of its stability; Tolima can be broken down by hi speed mssl, but E34 can endure its impact force. Any weaponaries can be acquired, & I prefer to use Au-L-K29 + Au-B-A04 as arm weapons, & a shield with 3 rapid shot battle rifle on bay units.
Head : HC-129 (Betsy Rose)
Core : CA-215 (Ryugen)
Arms : Ar-M-W48 (Hokaibo)
Legs : L14 Flame
Specified : High KE armor with a lil bit CE armor, High stability, High turning ability, Realtively high AP
Weakpoint : Low speed, High EN consumption
Hard-to-drive #2. A defensive type one. Usually combined with battle rifles & hi speed mssl. Anyway its CE armor is enough to reflect accuracy/rapidity specified battle rifles.
#4. Light Reverse-Jointed
Head : Hd-U-C23 (Marcus Fischer)
Core : CA-215
Arms : Ar-M-E34/L (Jack)
Legs : LRLB-111
Specified : Enough KE armor with high mobility, Long camera range
Weakpoint : Low CE/TE armor, Low APReally disturbing one. Jumps around, Pop-shots, Flashes, Dodges...OK anyway you'll have to practice using boost canceling & boostdrive skills to use LRJs.
Head : HF-227
Core : CA-215
Arms : Ar-M-E34/L (Jack)
Legs : SAWARIBI mdl.1 (Corneleus Archibold)
Specified : Really high mobility to take on the head of enemies
Weakpoint : Quite squishyActually this build is used for pop-shot snipers with another head & arms; Hd-U-C23 (Marcus Fischer) & KOCHO mdl.1. However I got HF-227 & Jack arms to gain enough KE armor, cuz Au-B-A04 is really threatening one recently, by its firepower, accuracy & rapidity. Anyway as light bipedal, you'll have to be UNLOCKED.
Head : HF-227
Core : CA-215
Arms : Ar-M-E34/L (Jack)
Legs : L05 Fisherman
Specified : Moderate ability with high mobility, especially about load amount
Weakpoint : Lil bit squishy as well
I guess this LRJ model is the easiest one to use for beginners, by the same reason of Le2L-B-V15 model on light bipedal. However this has enough KE armor & mobility to evade, & quite large amount to load some strange weapons. Could be called as backstab build lolz.
#5. Heavy Reverse-Jointed
Head : HF-227
Core : CB-209
Arms : Ar-M-E28 or Ar-M-E34/L
Legs : TAKEKAWA mdl.1 (Wizard Grue)
Specified : High mobility with high load amount, Enough KE/CE armor
Weakpoint : No TE armor at all
About HRJs, these ones could be called as specified legs for 3D combat with its vertical mobility & load amount. & you could use shoot-throw tactics as well to gain really high speed after heavy weapon is outta ammo after nuked. It's a basic model of fast HRJ.
Head : KAGARIBI mdl.1
Core : CB-209
Arms : AD-134
Legs : LRHA-123
Specified : Extremely high stability, Enough armors to get dogfight
Weakpoint : High EN consumption
My most usual HRJ this time. I usually use this with X00 KARASAWA shoot-throw tactics, but you can assault onto enemies' head & pour heavy firepower on them. Maybe you could equip Mdl.3 sub computer to support allies as well cuz it has dual shoulder units.
Head : HF-227
Core : CB-209
Arms : Ar-M-E34/L (Jack)
Legs : LRHB-114
Specified : Real fuckin' high KE/CE armors, High stability
Weakpoint : Low AP, No TE armor at all
Anti assembly of Tansy/Strekoza units. This unit can endure almost all lockable KE/CE arm weapons & if the situation is correct, it's just invincible. However if this unit meets TE armed AC, this will be melted down very quickly.
Head : HF-227
Core : CA-215
Arms : Ar-M-W48 (Hokaibo)
Legs : LeR-U-B29 (Kite)
Specified : High mobility & turning ability with extensive KE/CE armors
Weakpoint : High EN consumption when jumping, No TE armor at all
Mobility specified one. I usually take double HEAT machineguns & hi speed mssl as primary, & K29 Calendula as bay units. Watch out for enemies' TE weaponaries.
Head : HF-227
Core : CA-215
Arms : AD-228
Legs : LeR-U-B29 (Kite)
Specified : Pulse machinegun resistance with KE/CE armor remained
Weakpoint : Low firing stability, Low loading amount
Almost all people forget this one; LeR-U-B29 series have quite good TE armors. & you can gain enough TE resistance by changing just a lil bit. Yet I changed arm units, you may change head as well I guess.
#6. Tetrapod
Head : HF-227
Core : CB-209
Arms : AB-107D (Barry Bull)
Legs : L4A-119
Specified : Hi speed resistance when stagger taken. High mobility, REALLY. The word "OverPowered" is born for this AC.
Weakpoint : No TE armor at all
Time to instruct OP tetra. It's just fast & thick. This build can replace almost all HRJs lolz. Usually found in JP servers driven by extremely skilled players. By just holding one TE shiled on bay, you can get TE resistance as well. lolz. & this has enough speed to take range from light ACs with TE weapons. WTF.
Head : HF-227
Core : CA-215
Arms : AD-228
Legs : L4A-119
Specified : Same as before. OP.
Weakpoint : Au-B-A04 can penetrate this unit
OP again with TE resistance. Damn flying bugs! This unit needs KE shield to defend enemies' KE firepowers, & you'll have to shoot that weakpoint.
Head : KAGARIBI mdl.1
Core : CB-209
Arms : AD-228
Legs : UKIFUNE mdl.2
Specified : Moderate ability with enough armors
Weakpoint : Real fuckin slow scanning
EZ-2-USE. Has enough armor, stability, mobility at the same time. Anyway you should equip weapons with almighty ability cuz this unit has fuckin' low scan ability. Maybe this unit can equip mdl.3 sub computers & gain more scanning ability I guess.
Head : KAGARIBI mdl.1
Core : CB-209
Arms : AD-134
Legs : L20 Foal
Specified : Armor, Speed, Readied firing stability at the same time
Weakpoint : NO SCAN.
My most usual tetrapod unit. Maybe could be sorted as fortress quad, but it's much more faster than heavy tetrapods. I usually take this to snipe enemies' turrets in special squad missions, with K29 Calendula on bay units.
Head : KAGARIBI mdl.1
Core : CA-215
Arms : AD-228
Legs : UKIFUNE mdl.3
Specified : Really thick! Extremely high anti-recoil, Good readied firing ability
Weakpoint : Slow, SERIOUSLY.
Flying air fortress for mid-long range combat. Maybe you'll be suffered when trying to take this unit down with your plasma missiles cuz it's really thick as I said before. However any builds in ACVD have its own weakpoint, & Plasma gun is the counter weapon for this unit. Anyway though it has large amount to load much weight, maybe you'd better not getting too heavy cuz tetrapods' loading penalty is high & your speed will be decreased in really bad way.
Head : HE-119 (Sammy Germain)
Core : CB-209
Arms : AD-228
Legs : UKIFUNE mdl.3
Specified : Longer camera range than former model, with maintaining armors
Weakpoint : SLOW.
Air fortress #2. You can gain more camera range by switching head & core, with armors still remained thick. & Sammy's HE-119 has enough scanning ability to find proper target. Maybe it's quite easier than former model I think.
#7. Tank
Head : HC-129 (Betsy Rose)
Core : Co-D-S29
Arms : AB-107D (Barry Bull)
Legs : LTA-122
Specified : Moderate ability with enough stability
Weakpoint : Needs allies' support
Basic tank build. Enough speed & armor, & you also can gain good anti-recoil by fulfilling load amounts. Remind this one; Tank without firepowers is so-called as a coffin. Take cannons & shoot anything that can be locked on.
Head : H07 Starlight
Core : Co-D-S29
Arms : AB-107D (Barry Bull)
Legs : L22 Funeral
Specified : Very fast in plain terrain
Weakpoint : Low stability
Actually cannon weaponaries have no relationships with firing stability of arm units & stability stats of head & legs. & any tank can expand its full-power to target. But this tank's anti-recoil is really bad & at least one CIWS of ally units will be needed to co-op with this tank.
If you have some questions about building your AC, have some opinions of example builds, or sth else to tell me, just leave a reply & I'll check & answer it.
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